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ABO 2 – Digital/Colonial

5.December 2024 | 20:00

Music from the corners of the cloud

For artists in communities that were historically subjected to colonisation, the transition to the digital age has been a double-edged sword: The potential of social media algorithms to bring together people with shared languages, experiences and histories is belied by mechanisms which, by design or by mere absence of forethought, assume Western European cultural and economic norms to be global standards. In this regard, the internet has become a new colonial frontier that is having the effect of dramatically levelling cultural and creative diversity around the world.

“digital/colonial” is intended to serve as a framework in which composers from countries of the so-called Global South can present creative responses to their lived experiences with new forms of cultural colonialism and marginalisation arising from the ubiquity of digital technology.


With works by
Ashkan Behzadi (UA), Huihui Cheng (UA), Feliz Macahis and Chong Kee Yong


Anja Clift, flute
Eduardo Olloqui, oboe
Shizuyo Oka, clarinet
Klaus Steffes-Holländer, piano
Christian Dierstein, percussion
Adam Woodward, violin
Sofia von Atzingen, viola
Åsa Åkerberg, violoncello
Lukas Nowok, sound design


available at reservix.de, at Badische Zeitung Ticketservice and at the box office.


by the Koussevitzky Foundation

A cooperation 
between Ensemble Recherche and the Freunde of the Ensemble Recherche e.V.


This project is part of a broad effort by Ensemble Recherche in its 2024/25 season (“What is Real/What is Not”) to engage in discussion about Artificial Intelligence and the impact it will have on Art and Creativity.




5.December 2024
Event Category:


Ensemblehaus Freiburg
Schützenallee 72
Freiburg i.Br., 79102 Deutschland
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